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Parade of Cafe Au Lait Dahlia Colors

Updated: Apr 11

The Café au Lait Dahlia colors are one of the premier and most sought after wedding flowers - and I totally appreciate that trend and popularity of these beauties. We can all get behind the subtle colors, starting with a soft mocha-tinted ivory, moving through to a gentle peach, blush undertones, and a deeper pink. These are unmatched for colors, and in part that is due to the range of colors. I know of no single, rose variety that can produce this spectrum of colors and hues from one plant. It's truly intriguing.

Subtle Cafe Au Lait Dahlia Colors
Subtle Cafe Au Lait Dahlia Colors

Ivory and Blush Cafe Au Lait Dahlias
Ivory and Blush Cafe Au Lait Dahlias

Does The Spectrum of Cafe Au Lait Dahlia Colors Work With Your Palette ?

The Cafe Au Lait Dahlia colors you see above are actually, complimentary colors. They work together, as they are in fact a version of red, orange, and yellow-orange with lots of tint (white) added to them. But enough of color theory, you really want to know if these colors work for you, personally! If you want to darken down the cafe au lait shades, you can add burgundy for example. The larger the proportion of burgundy, the "moodier" your florals. If you want to lighten the mood, you can stick to the blushes, the peaches, add in whites an so on - you get the picture. Vary the propotion of each color to get the right balance to work with your attire and overall wedding theme.

Blush Cafe Au Lait Dahlia Bouquet
Blush Cafe Au Lait Dahlia Bouquet

How do I Plan for the Variation in Color?

The easiest thing to do is ask your florist what color range you can expect. If you do have a specific shade you want, or don't want, ask if she has control over that with her suppliers or growers. You won't know until you ask. If you aren't quite happy with the answer, you can at least decide if you go to a Plan B from a dahlia color persective. The primary goal is to be aware of what you might get, rather than be surprised on your wedding day. That day should be joyous, and without concern for anything other than a blissful day with family and friends. Don't let the flower of your dream upset one minute of it, and you can do that by educating yourself and working closely with your florist or flower farmer!

Medium Pink Cafe Au Lait Dahlia
Medium Pink Cafe Au Lait Dahlia

Best wishes for a beautiful wedding, filled with moments and memories with family and friends as you start your new life together!

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